Fighting Substance Abuse

Fighting Substance Abuse

This program is specifically designed for children and youth who are living in the high crime areas we serve and who are at risk of consuming or who have started to consume substances. The primary objective of this programme is to raise awareness, provide education and to break the cycle of substance abuse.

Emergency Support

Emergency Support

This is our community response programme – we respond by providing much needed support to the challenges faced by families in difficult times of need and crises. We offer support to families who are affected by fires or food relief to families affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, and any form of response.

Employment Creation

Employment Creation

Unemployment in the township of Crossroads and Nyanga is quite high, life is very difficult without a form of income to sustain lives and families. We have therefore formed a number of strategic partnerships to create economic opportunities for youth and older persons living in Crossroads and Nyanga.

Adolescent Girls Empowerment

Adolescent Girls Empowerment

Due to the increased number of cases in Gender-Based Violence in our communities we came with this project to provide adolescent girls with a girls-only life skills programme where they are empowered with extra education support, life skills support and a safe space where they are able to express themselves with girls related issues.

Learn4Life! Life Skills Training

Learn4Life! Life Skills Training

It is a fun and practical life skills programme which trains young school learners to be confident and be change agents in the communities. Our Learn4Life curriculum was designed by Masifunde Learner Development Project and covers Health (HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and Nutrition), Personal Development, Cultural Identity and Nature and Environment.